CUSTOMER | Gotwal’s Equipment Repair location:
location: Anderson, Indiana  

Job Type | 4′ x 8′ Double Sided Street Sign Vehicle Graphics

Truck Lettering Indiana  
Description |
If it’s broke, he can fix it. Eric Gotwals is clearly a man who knows machinery and how things run. His shop is filled with tools, his trucks are filled with tools, and I’m sure the majority of the time he can be found with a tool in-hand. We provided Eric with several fonts and styles for his truck graphics; he was quickly able to choose one that he liked. We became really excited when Eric chose our specialty reflective vinyl film for his choice of material. Often Eric works hundreds of feet underground in mines, fixing equipment; we imagine there is a lot of dirt/dust and high volume traffic in such a work site. This film really illuminates brightly when lights shine on it, making it perfect for safety reasons or just getting noticed.After the installation of the vehicle graphics we moved on to making a large street sign for advertising Eric’s quality work. We decided to go with a 4′ x 8′ MDO board for a longer lasting sign than regular plywood would create. The sign was double coated with high quality primer, along with two coats of black oil-based paint. The red lettering outline/stroke was painted oil-based paint twice as well and then premium cast white vinyl letters were applied. Both sides of the board were created in the same manner and the results were amazing.

Indianapolis Truck Graphics

Indianapolis Signs

Painted Wood Sign, Vehicle Graphics |
We can offer suggestions for a wide variety of materials used in sign making such as painted signs, vinyl graphics/lettering, stenciled signs, or signs printed with digital artwork. We want to save you money and add value to your sign whether you want an Indy painted sign with rich bold colors and long lasting enamel paints, or custom vinyl cut lettering and graphics. We also offer vehicle graphics, full printed logos/banners, magnetic signage, long lasting vinyl lettering and graphics.

Questions? Chat with us below!